How to customize the "Download Workspace for Windows" URL in Workspace Portal

If you've found yourself directing users to download the Workspace for Windows Client by telling them to login to Workspace, click their name, and choose "Download" only to find it takes them to you're not the only one!

Users should be able to download the Windows Client directly by clicking "Download"

There's even a pretty button for it!

Luckily this is pretty simple to address.

To change the Workspace Client Download URL:

  1. Login to the Workspace appliance as root, and type the following

    vi /usr/local/horizon/conf/

  2. You should see a single line that reads winSyncClientUrl=

  3. Simply change the value of winSyncClientUrl to the desired URL. You could set this to the actual VMware Download page for Workspace Products ( or you can set it to an internal link to the .exe itself on your web server. I have mine set to my cloud share for direct access to the .exe:

  4. Restart the workspace service

    service horizon-workspace restart

  5. Reload your Workspace User page and you now have a working download link for the client! Good luck!

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