Offline upgrades available for Horizon Workspace 1.8
Whether you're running Horizon Workspace 1.5 as a POC, or you restricted it to have internal access by design, admins who deployed Workspace without internet access can rejoice knowing that version 1.8 introduces a method for performing an "offline" upgrade. This option was not previously available when upgrading from 1.0 to 1.5.
The process includes setting up a local web server and using the updatelocal.hzn checkurl command against the web server.
When going through the upgrade guide, you may be wondering where you actually get the mentioned files. It's not clearly stated, however, you will need to contact VMware GSS Support in order to obtain those update bits.
The process includes setting up a local web server and using the updatelocal.hzn checkurl command against the web server.
When going through the upgrade guide, you may be wondering where you actually get the mentioned files. It's not clearly stated, however, you will need to contact VMware GSS Support in order to obtain those update bits.