One nifty feature of Horizon Workspace is the ability to share files and folders with external users. This post explores this feature and how to make it useful.
Among numerous enhancements and fixes, this patch also includes an update to OpenSSL 1.0.1g which resolves the widespread vulnerability known as the Heartbleed Bug.
Last night VMware quietly released a patched Windows and OSX Client for Horizon Workspace 1.5 and 1.8 bringing the client to version 1.8.1. This client release includes an updated OpenSSL...
Whether you're running Horizon Workspace 1.5 as a POC, or you restricted it to have internal access by design, admins who deployed Workspace without internet access can rejoice knowing that...
As you may have heard, Horizon Workspace 1.8 became GA yesterday. This release hasn't been publicized too much but is a major improvement over the 1.5 release with many bug...
Have you been wondering what’s compatible with Horizon View 5.3 only to find documentation on VMware’s website for View 5.2? There’s a reason for that…
Ever wished you could just deploy an OVA to setup your new View environment? Now you can! Thanks to Marilyn Basanta - a Solutions Management Engineer at VMware!
Horizon View users can change this setting themselves, but in this post, we'll take a look how to acheive the same result from an administrator's view.